Wednesday, 28 November 2012


Hey there, as i'm sure you can imagine this post is about mars milkshake. If you're feeling weak one day and you need a boost of energy without spending a load on energy drinks. Buy a Mars Milkshake because it's now even creamier and 2 for 2 pounds. With a mars milkshake you can all most do anything. You can: kill a bear with your bare hands, make the dinosaurs come back to life, to then go extinct again.

Thank you for reading Harry Battles

How i made my blog 
I started off by creating a blogger acount, i had to create the url of the blog to suit and my url is : the reason for this url is because the thing that drew me into the milkshake was the line "now even creamier
i edited the blog by expressing what i felt about mars milkshake and i added a picture to express my point.